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Provide comprehensive and professional services with high added value, allowing the satisfaction of our clients' expectations, thus developing long-term relationships with strength.




To be a firm that consolidates itself together with our clients. Being recognized by many as the firm responsible for building responsible companies with their financial and tax obligations and the entire range of areas that we can accompany them.

Coafin Consultores



Our team of professionals is mainly comprised of partners:


Lorena Lopez , Auditor Accountant , member of the College of Accountants of Chile AG, with more than 20 years of experience in the national market in the areas of Consulting and Auditing.



Patricio Jiménez , Auditor Accountant, member of the College of Accountants of Chile AG, diploma in Tax Planning with more than 15 years of experience in the areas of Taxes, Accounting and Remunerations.



Alejandro Gárate , lawyer with more than 7 years of professional experience, Diploma in Tax Planning from the University of Chile and Master © in Tax Management and Planning from the University of Talca, Director and business advisor.

Coafin Consultants

Telephone: +5 62243 65784

Email: contacto@coa

Address: Los Militares 5953, office 1705 , Las Condes.

Santiago de Chile.

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© 2023 Coafin Consultants

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